
This module contains classes used to define the standard behavior of the agent. It relies on the controllers, the chosen training/test policy and the learning algorithm to specify its behavior in the environment.

NeuralAgent(environment, q_network[, ...]) The NeuralAgent class wraps a deep Q-network for training and testing in a given environment.
DataSet(env[, random_state, max_size, ...]) A replay memory consisting of circular buffers for observations, actions, rewards and terminals.

Detailed description

class deer.agent.NeuralAgent(environment, q_network, replay_memory_size=1000000, replay_start_size=None, batch_size=32, random_state=<mtrand.RandomState object>, exp_priority=0, train_policy=None, test_policy=None, only_full_history=True)

The NeuralAgent class wraps a deep Q-network for training and testing in a given environment.

Attach controllers to it in order to conduct an experiment (when to train the agent, when to test,...).


environment : object from class Environment

The environment in which the agent interacts

q_network : object from class QNetwork

The q_network associated to the agent

replay_memory_size : int

Size of the replay memory. Default : 1000000

replay_start_size : int

Number of observations (=number of time steps taken) in the replay memory before starting learning. Default: minimum possible according to environment.inputDimensions().

batch_size : int

Number of tuples taken into account for each iteration of gradient descent. Default : 32

random_state : numpy random number generator

Default : random seed.

exp_priority : float

The exponent that determines how much prioritization is used, default is 0 (uniform priority). One may check out Schaul et al. (2016) - Prioritized Experience Replay.

train_policy : object from class Policy

Policy followed when in training mode (mode -1)

test_policy : object from class Policy

Policy followed when in other modes than training (validation and test modes)

only_full_history : boolean

Whether we wish to train the neural network only on full histories or we wish to fill with zeroes the observations before the beginning of the episode


avgBellmanResidual() Returns the average training loss on the epoch
avgEpisodeVValue() Returns the average V value on the episode (on time steps where a non-random action has been taken)
bestAction() Returns the best Action
discountFactor() Get the discount factor
dumpNetwork(fname[, nEpoch]) Dump the network
learningRate() Get the learning rate
overrideNextAction(action) Possibility to override the chosen action.
run(n_epochs, epoch_length) This function encapsulates the whole process of the learning.
setControllersActive(toDisable, active) Activate controller
setDiscountFactor(df) Set the discount factor
setLearningRate(lr) Set the learning rate for the gradient descent
setNetwork(fname[, nEpoch]) Set values into the network
startMode(mode, epochLength)
totalRewardOverLastTest() Returns the average sum of rewards per episode and the number of episode
train() This function selects a random batch of data (with self._dataset.randomBatch) and performs a Q-learning iteration (with self._network.train).

Returns the average training loss on the epoch


Returns the average V value on the episode (on time steps where a non-random action has been taken)


Returns the best Action


Get the discount factor

dumpNetwork(fname, nEpoch=-1)

Dump the network


fname : string

Name of the file where the network will be dumped

nEpoch : int

Epoch number (Optional)


Get the learning rate


Possibility to override the chosen action. This possibility should be used on the signal OnActionChosen.

run(n_epochs, epoch_length)

This function encapsulates the whole process of the learning. It starts by calling the controllers method “onStart”, Then it runs a given number of epochs where an epoch is made up of one or many episodes (called with agent._runEpisode) and where an epoch ends up after the number of steps reaches the argument “epoch_length”. It ends up by calling the controllers method “end”.


n_epochs : number of epochs


epoch_length : maximum number of steps for a given epoch


setControllersActive(toDisable, active)

Activate controller


Set the discount factor


Set the learning rate for the gradient descent

setNetwork(fname, nEpoch=-1)

Set values into the network


fname : string

Name of the file where the values are

nEpoch : int

Epoch number (Optional)


Returns the average sum of rewards per episode and the number of episode


This function selects a random batch of data (with self._dataset.randomBatch) and performs a Q-learning iteration (with self._network.train).

class deer.agent.DataSet(env, random_state=None, max_size=1000, use_priority=False, only_full_history=True)

A replay memory consisting of circular buffers for observations, actions, rewards and terminals.


actions() Get all actions currently in the replay memory, ordered by time where they were taken.
addSample(obs, action, reward, is_terminal, ...) Store a (observation[for all subjects], action, reward, is_terminal) in the dataset.
observations() Get all observations currently in the replay memory, ordered by time where they were observed.
randomBatch(size, use_priority) Return corresponding states, actions, rewards, terminal status, and next_states for size randomly chosen transitions.
rewards() Get all rewards currently in the replay memory, ordered by time where they were received.
terminals() Get all terminals currently in the replay memory, ordered by time where they were observed.
updatePriorities(priorities, rndValidIndices)

Get all actions currently in the replay memory, ordered by time where they were taken.

addSample(obs, action, reward, is_terminal, priority)

Store a (observation[for all subjects], action, reward, is_terminal) in the dataset. Parameters ———– obs : ndarray

An ndarray(dtype=’object’) where obs[s] corresponds to the observation made on subject s before the agent took action [action].
action : int
The action taken after having observed [obs].
reward : float
The reward associated to taking this [action].
is_terminal : bool
Tells whether [action] lead to a terminal state (i.e. corresponded to a terminal transition).
priority : float
The priority to be associated with the sample

Get all observations currently in the replay memory, ordered by time where they were observed.

observations[s][i] corresponds to the observation made on subject s before the agent took actions()[i].

randomBatch(size, use_priority)

Return corresponding states, actions, rewards, terminal status, and next_states for size randomly chosen transitions. Note that if terminal[i] == True, then next_states[s][i] == np.zeros_like(states[s][i]) for each subject s.


size : int

Number of transitions to return.



states : ndarray

An ndarray(size=number_of_subjects, dtype=’object), where states[s] is a 2+D matrix of dimensions size x s.memorySize x “shape of a given observation for this subject”. States were taken randomly in the data with the only constraint that they are complete regarding the histories for each observed subject.

actions : ndarray

An ndarray(size=number_of_subjects, dtype=’int32’) where actions[i] is the action taken after having observed states[:][i].

rewards : ndarray

An ndarray(size=number_of_subjects, dtype=’float32’) where rewards[i] is the reward obtained for taking actions[i-1].

next_states : ndarray

Same structure than states, but next_states[s][i] is guaranteed to be the information concerning the state following the one described by states[s][i] for each subject s.

terminals : ndarray

An ndarray(size=number_of_subjects, dtype=’bool’) where terminals[i] is True if actions[i] lead to terminal states and False otherwise




If a batch of this size could not be built based on current data set (not enough data or all trajectories are too short).


Get all rewards currently in the replay memory, ordered by time where they were received.


Get all terminals currently in the replay memory, ordered by time where they were observed.

terminals[i] is True if actions()[i] lead to a terminal state (i.e. corresponded to a terminal transition), and False otherwise.

updatePriorities(priorities, rndValidIndices)